
data class MinimizedSale(val hq: Boolean, val pricePerUnit: Int, val quantity: Short, val buyerName: String? = null, val onMannequin: Boolean? = null, val timestamp: Long, val world: World? = null)


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constructor(hq: Boolean, pricePerUnit: Int, quantity: Short, buyerName: String? = null, onMannequin: Boolean? = null, timestamp: Long, world: World? = null)


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val buyerName: String? = null

The buyer's character name.

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val hq: Boolean

Whether or not the item was high-quality.

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val onMannequin: Boolean? = null

Whether or not this was purchased from a mannequin.

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The price per unit sold.

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The stack size sold.

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The sale time, in seconds since the UNIX epoch.

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@SerialName(value = "worldName")
val world: World? = null

The World, if applicable.