
data class CurrentlyShown(val lastUploadTime: Long, val listings: Array<Listing>? = null, val recentHistory: Array<Sale>? = null, val currentAveragePrice: Double, val currentAveragePriceNq: Double, val currentAveragePriceHq: Double, val regularSaleVelocity: Double, val nqSaleVelocity: Double, val hqSaleVelocity: Double, val averagePrice: Double, val averagePriceNq: Double, val averagePriceHq: Double, val minPrice: Int, val minPriceNq: Int, val minPriceHq: Int, val maxPrice: Int, val maxPriceNq: Int, val maxPriceHq: Int, val stackSizeHistogram: StackSizeHistogram = null, val stackSizeHistogramNq: StackSizeHistogram = null, val stackSizeHistogramHq: StackSizeHistogram = null, worldIdUploadTimes: Map<Short, Long>? = null, val listingsCount: Int, val recentHistoryCount: Int, val unitsForSale: Int, val unitsSold: Int) : MarketBoard


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constructor(lastUploadTime: Long, listings: Array<Listing>? = null, recentHistory: Array<Sale>? = null, currentAveragePrice: Double, currentAveragePriceNq: Double, currentAveragePriceHq: Double, regularSaleVelocity: Double, nqSaleVelocity: Double, hqSaleVelocity: Double, averagePrice: Double, averagePriceNq: Double, averagePriceHq: Double, minPrice: Int, minPriceNq: Int, minPriceHq: Int, maxPrice: Int, maxPriceNq: Int, maxPriceHq: Int, stackSizeHistogram: StackSizeHistogram = null, stackSizeHistogramNq: StackSizeHistogram = null, stackSizeHistogramHq: StackSizeHistogram = null, worldIdUploadTimes: Map<Short, Long>? = null, listingsCount: Int, recentHistoryCount: Int, unitsForSale: Int, unitsSold: Int)


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The average sale price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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@SerialName(value = "averagePriceHQ")
val averagePriceHq: Double

The average HQ sale price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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@SerialName(value = "averagePriceNQ")
val averagePriceNq: Double

The average NQ sale price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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The average listing price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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@SerialName(value = "currentAveragePriceHQ")
val currentAveragePriceHq: Double

The average HQ listing price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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@SerialName(value = "currentAveragePriceNQ")
val currentAveragePriceNq: Double

The average NQ listing price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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The average number of HQ sales per day, over the past seven days (or the entirety of the shown sales, whichever comes first).

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The last upload time for this endpoint, in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.

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val listings: Array<Listing>? = null

The currently-shown listings.

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The number of listings retrieved for the request.

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The maximum listing price.

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@SerialName(value = "maxPriceHQ")
val maxPriceHq: Int

The maximum HQ listing price.

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@SerialName(value = "maxPriceNQ")
val maxPriceNq: Int

The maximum NQ listing price.

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The minimum listing price.

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@SerialName(value = "minPriceHQ")
val minPriceHq: Int

The minimum HQ listing price.

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@SerialName(value = "minPriceNQ")
val minPriceNq: Int

The minimum NQ listing price.

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The average number of NQ sales per day, over the past seven days (or the entirety of the shown sales, whichever comes first).

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val recentHistory: Array<Sale>? = null

The currently-shown sales.

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The number of sale entries retrieved for the request.

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The average number of sales per day, over the past seven days (or the entirety of the shown sales, whichever comes first).

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A Map of quantities to listing counts, representing the number of listings of each quantity.

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@SerialName(value = "stackSizeHistogramHQ")
val stackSizeHistogramHq: StackSizeHistogram = null

A Map of quantities to HQ listing counts, representing the number of listings of each quantity.

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@SerialName(value = "stackSizeHistogramNQ")
val stackSizeHistogramNq: StackSizeHistogram = null

A Map of quantities to NQ listing counts, representing the number of listings of each quantity.

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The number of items (not listings) up for sale.

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The number of items (not sale entries) sold over the retrieved sales.

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val worldUploadTimes: Map<World, Long>?

The last upload times in milliseconds since epoch for each World in the response.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String