Currently Shown
The average sale price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.
The average HQ sale price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.
The average NQ sale price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.
The average listing price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.
The average HQ listing price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.
The average NQ listing price, with outliers removed beyond 3 standard deviations of the mean.
The average number of HQ sales per day, over the past seven days (or the entirety of the shown sales, whichever comes first).
The last upload time for this endpoint, in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.
The number of listings retrieved for the request.
The maximum HQ listing price.
The maximum NQ listing price.
The minimum HQ listing price.
The minimum NQ listing price.
The average number of NQ sales per day, over the past seven days (or the entirety of the shown sales, whichever comes first).
The currently-shown sales.
The number of sale entries retrieved for the request.
The average number of sales per day, over the past seven days (or the entirety of the shown sales, whichever comes first).
A Map of quantities to listing counts, representing the number of listings of each quantity.
A Map of quantities to HQ listing counts, representing the number of listings of each quantity.
A Map of quantities to NQ listing counts, representing the number of listings of each quantity.
The number of items (not listings) up for sale.
The last upload times in milliseconds since epoch for each World in the response.